Comparison Project. The comparison project went very well. By learning the material before hand it allowed me to understand the material even better, and ask questions when needed. Animoto was a fun experience. It allowed you to be creative and it was more entertaining than sitting in a classroom doing worksheets.
By searching for creative commons, it took more time than necessary. However, it was time well spent. Taking the extra few seconds to search for a photo that was available for reuse, ensures that you are not plagiarizing. This is a good thing to do because you need to give credit where it is due.
Miuniversidad favorita es Texas A&M. Sin embargo, me encantaría asistir a Yale. Me gustaría este colegio porque es una de las mejores escuelas de medicina. No estoy segura cuál especial y zacion médica me gustaría tener en. Todo lo que sé es que me gustaría ser en el mundo de medicina. Yo voy a lograr mis metas por estudiar y ir a clase.
I have enjoyed working with my blog. There is a major difference between blogging and text messaging. Blogging takes more time and needs to be more professional when it comes to writing. Embedding my work on my blog is a good way to get others opinions over what I have done, because they can comment on it. Blogging is a beneficial skill to have because most likely you will need to have this skill for the future. I would like to continue what we are doing now with our blog, because it has been very helpful and beneficial to me.
During the first semester of Spanish 2, we covered vocabulary and grammar structures that dealt with our daily routines. We also learned how to correctly use a reflexive verb during a conversation.
For our assignment we were required to use the Voki website. Here we created a voki that desribes our daily routines for getting ready to go to school. This was a very important project because it counted as our six weeks test grade.
The process included:
Writing a srcipt.
Submitting the rough draft to be checked for errors.
Correcting the sript on our own after the errors were shown to us by our teacher.
Using our cell phone to call the Voki website, in order to record our daily routine.
Finally, our finished project was then sent via email to our teacher and embedded here on our blog.
The project took effort, but was well worth the time spent investing in it. Not only were we able to practice our pronounciation skills, but we also were able to obtain a better understanding of reflexive verbs. I personally enjoyed the project because it gave me an opportunity to improve on my skills. The avatar was a great way of doing verbal tests, because if you messed up you could record again. Also if you are nervous to speak in front of people, then this turned out to be the best situation for you. The project was valuable to me for many reasons. Most importantly, it allowed for you to actually speak the language instead of just writing it down.
In the first semester we reviewed how to write sentences using the forms tener que, immediate future, present progressive, and present tense. Tener que is the have to do something form. Immediate future is used to tell something that is going to happen. Present progressive is the form for telling about something that is happening right now. Present tense is the most common form. We applied this information to use and created a Stixy Board.
After reviewing adjectives, I created a project describing my favorite person. I used the Stixy website. I went to the internet and found pictures. I also used the word ser because that is the spanish word used for descriptions.
In the first six weeks we reviewed how to tell our name, introduce ourselves, and use other common sayings. We put this knowledge to use and created an avatar that describes us.