
Yesterday we went on a nature walk that allowed us to use all of our senses to  express what the walk was like.  I saw many very interesting things.  There were good honeysuckles, but some of them were too bright of a yellow which meant that they were not ready to be eaten yet.  Also there was a lot of ant-piles that were gigantor!! You could tell that if you stepped in it, it would hurt really bad, and you would have tons of red dots all over you!!  Also there were trees everywhere, which you would suspect for them to be some on the nature walk. Lol (: Also there was some dropping from animals, which I tried to avoid as much as I could.  There was some litter (including wrappers and old bottles) which should not have been there.  Also there was branches everywhere, and you could see how the animals inacted to change their habitat to fit their needs.  It was very hot too that day, and HUMID!! But it was a very good experience over all. 


Poems about Nature:


Plentiful, Alive

Growing Every Day

Calm Place To Think


Another Poem:







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