Independent Novel Project 2

The title, A Painted House symbolizes the desires of one rural farming family.  Each year crops such as cotton are planted in an attempt to crawl their way out of the massive whole of debt they have dug.  However, not enough crops are picked and as a result, they plunge further into debt each year.  With money so tight, the Chandlers never would have imagined spending money on such a silly thing as paint, until Trot came along.  Trot, a small physically impaired member of the Spruill family, secretly started painting the side of the Chandler house with the financial aid from his sister, Tally.  The job remains uncompleted once the Spruills are forced to return home.  Luke feels obligated to finish the job Trot started.  With each stroke of the paint brush, pride seems to be seeping into the Chandler family.  Everyone aids in the painting of the house including the mexicans, and Luke’s father.  With only one side of the house remaining to be painted, Luke’s parents decide to take the risk and move up north for a better life and opportunities.  The story ends with Pappy’s promise to finish the project and the Chandler’s dreams and hopes almost reached.

3 thoughts on “Independent Novel Project 2

  1. Very insightful. What else could a “painted house” do for them individually? Would it in any way allow them to break free of their poverty? Why or why not?

  2. A painted house is a dream of theirs. Not many people who live in their area have a painted house. It is considered a privilege to have a painted house, because most people do not have the option of spending the extra money on such a silly thing as paint. They would much rather use the money to harvest more crops in an attempt to try and break free out of poverty. The house could possibly allow them to break free out of poverty in case they needed to sell their house. The paint could attract buyers that are willing to pay a higher price for it because it is only one a very few that are painted.

  3. All of your blogs are very well thought out. Definitely gets the real meaning of the story. good job!

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